Toss Inc, Outsource Housekeeping - Training Session
Being a provider of Contract Housekeeping for hotels, resorts and etc. The one and only asset that we have is highly trained and motivated people. During challenging economic times while everybody is cutting cost and taking all the necessary measures to survive, we haven taken proactive approach. We invited an outside consultant Alvaro Iqui to talk to our team.
The topics discussed were: Motivation at work, Relationships at work and home, Productivity and Importance of team work.
Alvaro Iqui is poet, writer and former Professor of Lima University in Peru. After detailed analysis of our operation and conversations with our employees Alvaro was able to pinpoint all the areas that needed improvement. Sometimes managers and owners of companies might not be able to recognize the areas of concern, just like saying goes “Too close to the trees, to see the forest.”
This is the beginning statement of our Training session with Alvaro Iqui:
“Like it or not, reality is full of conflicts. The rivalry, confrontation, the struggle to achieve our objectives and goals are issues that we face every day. We speak not only of simple and healthy competition, but also real struggles charged with hostility that put us between a rock and a hard place. In either case it becomes necessary to have certain strategies that enable us, among other things, to direct our actions to effectively address the daily battles that we face.”